Sunday, June 3, 2007

United States of Fear

I've been struck by how Americans love to be afraid. Just listening to the reports of the latest bomb plot at JFK on CNN you would think that a major disaster was narrowly averted. In reality, while the bumbling fools who were planning it seriously talked about what they were doing, they had not even thought through all the facts. Causing jet fuel tanks to explode would be difficult, since it is designed not to explode. The would-be terrorists did not even have the explosive devices yet, and as the breathless investigation officials admitted, it wasn't even to the operational stage. In fact they got their idea to create this terror project from an FBI informant. A case of wagging the dog?

Fear is everywhere in our culture. We are so afraid to live life. Recently a family member asked me if I was going to be traveling overseas any time soon. They were concerned that the risk of being a victim of terrorism would rise significantly if I were to travel. I had to remind this person of just how many acts of terror we have seen in the last 6 years. Think about it. The odds of being in a car accident in your own home town are much greater.

I know the feeling though, worrying about the future. I'm a big worrier and I've always projected what might happen into the future instead of living in the now. I'm trying to be more mindful of living in the now. I recently read some interesting information on Buddhism which advocates living in the now, being mindful of what is instead of what could be. Interesting concept and it makes you think. I've had to learn that more and more over the last six years of the current Bush administration. There are things you can do/change and others you have no control over. Recognizing what that is has been a hard lesson to learn for me.

I guess it's a lesson that Americans as a whole are having to learn. I find it interesting that their response to fear tactics has grown more and more tepid. Having your government lie to you over and over again is a painful way to learn that lesson.

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