Sunday, January 28, 2007

In the beginning...

Here is where it all begins. I've decided to start this blog to express my own unique point of view on issues very important to me. Number one on that list would be same-sex marriage. It's fitting that I begin the blog now because it was 4 years ago almost to the day that I met my husband. We were married in Vancouver, B.C., Canada a little over 2 1/2 years ago and we currently reside in Portland, Oregon. I've become more and more dissatisfied with the mainstream media (or MSM) coverage of same-sex marriage. You hear a lot of noise and clamor from the right wing opposition and a little here and there from various same-sex marriage activists in the community. You don't hear much from people like me, the ones who this issue really effects, living ordinary lives in extraordinary times.

I've also become appalled at the coverage of the Christianist movement that keeps growing in our country and even in the international community. This movement is also called Dominianism. Click on the links and you'll be taken to good definitions of both. Having come from a fairly religious background and a Christian tradition, I understand a lot more about what Christians feel about their world than they understand how those of us in the gay community feel about ours. Perhaps, in my own humble little way I can enlighten them and they can enlighten me, because, in reality, we all share the same world. Will those I'm talking about even read this blog? Who knows, but I hope so.

Being an avid watcher of current events and a political news junky, you'll probably hear me comment from time to time on those things. I don't want to turn this into a purely political blog as there are some great ones out there already whom you can link to on the right. I'd like to have open comments on my posts so that people can discuss their views as they read mine. I think healthy, honest debate is sorely needed in our democratic republic. Fascism grows in darkness, behind closed doors, flourishing in confusion and does not question our leaders. Healthy debate is good and opposing views are great, however those comments that are threatening or abusive will not be tolerated. Passion is one thing, being a jerk is another.

As I go along I hope to learn and grow. That growth may be reflected in the blog and may change the direction I'm heading. I'll reserve the right to make changes as I go along.

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