Monday, April 16, 2007

Call to action

Here's my email to Cleary University's president (his email is

Dear Dr. Thomas P. Sullivan,
President of Cleary University,

It is with disappointment that I learned that the Livingston Economic Club at Cleary University plans to have Ann Coulter speak on October 1, 2007 to kick-off your Founder's Week Celebration. In light of recent events with the Don Imus controversy, I'm surprised that you would have a speaker like Ms. Coulter speak at your esteemed institution. Mr. Imus has been in the news recently for using bigoted, racist and feminist remarks on his radio show for which he was subsequently fired. Ms. Coulter is, in my opinion, guilty of even worse bigoted remarks. She called presidential candidate John Edwards a "faggot" and she has referred to Muslims as "rag-heads".

Your mission statement states that Cleary University is "committed to the betterment of society". Does Cleary University think it is to the betterment of society to be associated with someone that uses such derogatory descriptions of people she does not like. I have no quarrel with any one's Constitutional right to Freedom of Speech, however, calling others by such hateful slurs is not a good reflection on her or on Cleary University. Do you really want to show your support for people like Ann Coulter and Don Imus? If you and your university really do support such people, then you send a message to every student, member of faculty, employee and alumni that Cleary University does support bigotry and intolerance. What a fine message to send, especially to your students!

I urge you to rethink the idea of having Ann Coulter speak to kick-off the Founder's Week Celebrations. Surely you can find someone who does not use hateful name-calling to get their points across. Let's not give people who use hate speech a pulpit from which to preach their hatred and intolerance. I'm sure Cleary University can do better and does not want to sully its reputation.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Oh Dear God!

"I have no desire to make windows into men's souls." ~ Queen Elizabeth I

Queen Elizabeth I of England said these words while discussing the Catholic versus Protestant debate in her country during her reign. After the violent religious purges of her sister Queen Mary I (Bloody Mary) she wanted to heal and unite her country. Queen Elizabeth did not want to play the role of gatekeeper and examine each of her subjects and their personal beliefs.

As part of the anti-theocracy blogswarm for Easter weekend, let's open a window into the soul of the average evangelical, right-wing conservative voter in America. What if they were having a twinge of conscious? What would they think about their having been used as a pawn in George W. Bush's election? What would their prayer be like? Let's listen in:

Oh God the Eternal Father,

Please bless my family and friends. We are celebrating Easter this weekend and the glorious resurrection of Your Holy Son Jesus. At this time of peace, love and goodwill let us remember the example Your Son set. I won't think of the war in Iraq too much when I remember that Jesus said "Blessed are the peacemakers." and "Turn the other cheek." And bless us in our efforts to end abortion and the killing of all those innocent little unborn children. Never mind that thousands upon thousands of innocent children have been killed in Iraq. That's different.

And speaking of abortion we want to make sure those pro-choice folks lose the right to make decisions about their bodies. After all even though they don't share my religious beliefs we should force them to make decisions based on mine We'll force those awful sluts to have unwanted children that can be brought up in conditions of poverty, neglect and abuse. We can't trust them with a choice but we can sure trust them with a child! After all there are PLENTY of adoptive families out there. Never mind that we've never adopted any children nor do we plan to. If we can't end abortion legally then we'll just pay those girls $500 to have their babies like they want to do in Texas. No unwed, teenager would have a baby just to make what they think would be an easy $500 would they? They realize that all they have to do to prevent pregnancy is to use some form of birth control. They'll never have sex anyway. Of course if we continue our fight to keep birth control out of the hands of teenagers, because if they don't have birth control then they'll never have sex.

Please restore Christian prayer in schools because my children are more important than those children from Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish or atheist families. The children from those families can just listen to the prayers and they might convert to the only true church. Mine. The children from other Christian churches will also have to listen to our particular prayers and beliefs because we know which brand of religion is the only right one. Never mind that I wouldn't want my children to listen to their religious prayers if the roles were reversed. That would never happen would it?

Please let that nice Lesbian couple down the street see the error of their ways and come to Your holy church. I know that they belong to the United Church of Christ which accepts them, they can't be saved because they don't belong to my church. Even though they seem to be peaceful neighbors with two wonderful little children, we can't let them live normal lives because after all they might affect our family. I'm not really sure how they will, but they will right? Please help us in making sure that they are not able to get civil unions or marriage in our state because we don't want them to have any rights. Never mind that they have two children that they need to provide health benefits for, or that if the birth mother of one of the children dies the other partner isn't able to have any right to care for the children. Please make sure that it is legal for companies not to employ them or landlords to rent to them or restaurants to seat them. After all we don't want them being near us because they might turn my family gay. I'm not really sure how that happens but my pastor says that it will so I have to believe him. After all pastors never lie or are gay. Well, except for that minister in Colorado who was consorting with a male prostitute. But he was quickly cured right? He just had to choose to be straight and he was straight! Never mind that I'm not gay and have no idea what it's like to be gay because I'm so much better than they are as a straight, god-loving Christian!

Please bless our president in his mission to make sure that all Americans have to follow Christian beliefs. Isn't it wonderful how he has been trying to insert religion into every facet of government? Why even that nice U.S. Attorney in Minnesota was quoting bible scriptures to her employees. I think that should happen in every office in America, even if the non-Christians, non-believers and Jews don't like it. After all, we both know that my church is so much better than everyone else. Thank you for making me perfect in every way because I know if Pastor Dan tells me to do something I don't have to think about it. He tells me everything I have to believe in and I don't have to make any effort to analyze anything myself.

Please stop those awful Democrats from overturning the Bush administration's wonderful policies. Why are they so worried that the government might be listening to their phone calls? If they're not saying anything wrong, then what do they have to worry about? After all, if Hilary Clinton becomes president (God forbid!), then how will she listen in on phone calls of her political opponents? Of course Republicans never do anything wrong. Well, except for Duke Cunningham and Jack Abramoff and Alberto Gonzales and Tom Delay and Scooter Libbey and... well the list is getting too long and I don't have all night. Please let Bush keep the power to hold people indefinitely without charge. He would never use that power in the wrong way. Never mind that poor Muslim attorney in Portland who was arrested for terrorism and held for several weeks even though the FBI knew they had the wrong man and that the fingerprint evidence was incorrect. He was able to return to his family after several weeks of no contact with them, wasn't he? Those people being held in Guantanamo are definitely guilty of something, right? I mean I'm not sure of what since their "trials" if they have one, will never be made public and we'll probably never know, but our government would never do anything wrong would they?

And if our President wants to torture then he should be able to because we all know that torture is reliable and get us the information we need right? I mean Jesus was tortured on the cross after all so it must be okay. I mean the bible says that torture is justified right? I can't find that particular passage at the moment, but I know it must be there. After all if our soldiers were captured, our enemies would never torture them would they? Those poor Islamic countries are so deluded. They make all women wear veils. Even our First Lady and Secretary of State had to wear head scarves when they visited those countries! How dare they force their beliefs on our good Christian citizens! It's completely different when we talk about going to their country and converting them to Christianity, my particular brand of course.

And we'll continue to fight to make sure that if my husband John was ever in a vegetative, brain dead coma then complete strangers could make the decision for me to end life support or not. We want the government involved in deeply personal family issues because I can't be trusted to make that decision for my own spouse.

And Lord, thank you for the new vaccine that protects women from having cervical cancer. Of course we don't want anyone to have it since it would just promote promiscuity. After all, my daughter will never have sex outside marriage. Her future husband will never have had sex or have picked up the HPV virus that causes cervical cancer because we know that my daughter will only marry a good Christian boy who has never slept with any other girl. I'd rather have my daughter die of cervical cancer than have her take a vaccine that will protect her because it will encourage promiscuity. My daughter will never ever make a wrong choice or become involved in things I don't want her to. My children are as perfect as I am.

Lord, I am grateful for not having to have any responsibility toward the earth. It's all going to end soon in the rapture so why should we have to care for it? We can pollute, use up all the resources and spoil the air and soil because my children will never have to worry about living in it. My interpretation of the end times is the only correct one. I'm not sure what my kids will do if I'm wrong. My church believes that we are stewards of the Earth which means we can do whatever we want right? Global warming is just a myth because Rush Limbaugh says it is and he's never wrong, is he? We'll just ignore his attacks on disabled people like Michael J. Fox. The hundreds of scientists and researchers are all liberals who don't know what they're saying despite all the scientific evidence to back them up. It's all a myth. We sure enjoy seeing the daffodils come up in February and there are no honey bees to sting us anymore. Those cute polar bears can live in our zoos if the ice caps are melting.

Thank You God for making me an American. I'm so much more patriotic than my liberal neighbor because I belong to the right political party. I can question his patriotism all I want because Freedom of Speech give me that right. Of course we still need to silence those who disagree because we know that they are wrong, democracy or no democracy. If we just tell ourselves that we are right and THEY are wrong it will come true. Kind of like the President. He says we're winning in Iraq and because he says it is so it must be. All of the major news programs tell me the same thing. Never mind that they are controlled by conservative agenda supporters. If we keep saying that the media has a liberal bias well then people will believe us.

Thank you Lord for making me perfect in every way and for letting me impose my beliefs on others. They think they don't want to hear it but I know that they will just come around to my way of thinking if I just keep badgering them about it. Of course I don't need to respect their beliefs or lack thereof because they're wrong. Nobody is as passionate about my religion as I am of course. How could they be? It's so nice to know the mind of God.

In Jesus' Holy Name, AMEN!